Communal Development at the Grassroots Level: Promoting Human Dignity

Two months ago, administrative leaders from Centro Romero arrived in the Illinois state capitol of Springfield, alongside more than 250 other grassroot organization leaders to participate in the General Assembly. There, they advocated for a fair budget for families in the state, which include the hundreds of immigrant and refugee families for whom Centro’s support is vital and necessary. Also this month, Centro Romero’s executive director Daysi Funes partnered with the Consulate General of El Salvador in a program with the wage and hour division of the US Department of Labor. The event was focused on developing greater cooperation between the Consulate General of El Salvador and the US Department of Labor to address issues of working conditions affecting Chicago’s immigrant and refugee populations.

Meanwhile, Centro Romero’s Women’s Program has also been hard at work fostering community partnerships as well. Recently they participated in a family financial fair at the Chicago YWCA, the result of a joint collaboration by Between Friends, an organization aimed at preventing and addressing domestic violence, and Wintrust Bank Chicago. The event was an excellent opportunity for families to learn more about good financial management, and to get connected with valuable community resources.

Finally, on April 29th, Centro Romero, alongside other organizations, helped sponsor the 14th year of El Pueblo Canta, a fundraising concert that brings the community together to celebrate diversity and advocate for immigration reform. Through music, people were brought together under a common goal of justice for all.